Patience is docked at Calvert Marina Charter Dock, Slip #1 in Solomon's, Maryland.
GPS Address: 14485 Dowell Road, Dowell, MD 20629
From Baltimore/ Harrisburg Area - From the Baltimore Beltway, (Rt) 695 take Rt. 97 South to the intersection with MD Rt. 3., which becomes Rt. 301 S, take the MD-4 East ramp "towards Prince Frederick" to Dowell Road. Turn left onto Dowell Road and follow the signs to Charter Dock. (Approximately 1 hr. 15 minutes from the Baltimore Beltway). Once in the marina, go straight and then turn right just before the pool. Boat is between ice machine and snack bar.
From Fredericksburg Area and points south. - Take Rt. 3 North to US Rt 301 N across the Potomac River Bridge. Take MD Rt 234 E to the intersection with DM Rt. 5. Follow Rt. 5 South to intersection with MD Rt. 4. Turn left onto MD Rt. 4 and follow across Johnson Bridge at Solomons to Dowell Rd. Turn right and follow the signs to Charter Dock. Once in the marina, go straight and then turn right just before the pool. Boat is between ice machine and snack bar.